Dear Families,
The staff and Governors of Newsome Academy recognise that many students and their families own a mobile phone. We also recognise that some parents/guardians request that their child brings a mobile phone to school for safety and security reasons on the way to and from school.
Our core business of teaching and learning needs to be conducted in an environment free from unnecessary distractions or disruptions.
- There has been a number of situations recently where students have been confused about the Academy expectations when they think they can freely communicate with their family throughout the day and this has resulted in sanctions. Please support us in supporting your child – our policy of no mobile phone usage stands.
- If your child has an issue they must seek the support of staff first – not directly contacting home and causing avoidable additional stress to yourselves and time to sort an issue out. It is vital that your child understands the channels in school and uses these.
We, therefore, have a number of guidelines around responsibility and usage in particular.
It is the responsibility of students who bring mobile phones to school to abide by the guidelines outlined in this document.
- Parents/carers should be aware if their child takes a mobile phone to school it is assumed household insurance will provide the required cover in the event of loss or damage. The school will not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or costs incurred due to its use. • Parents/carers are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the main and appropriate point of contact and can ensure your child is reached quickly and assisted in any relevant way. If your child needs to contact you, they must use the student services/main office to do this. We do not condone students using their mobile phones to contact parents requesting to be sent home.
Key reminders for students are:
- Mobile phones should be switched off and out of sight in school.
- While on school premises, mobile phones are not to be seen or used by students, unless instructed by an adult.
- Unless express permission is granted, mobile phones should not be used to make calls, send SMS messages, surf the internet, take photos or use any other application during the school day or while on school premises.
- The Bluetooth function of a mobile phone must be switched off at all times and not be used to send images or files to other mobile phones.
- Using mobile phones to bully and threaten other students is unacceptable. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated.
- Mobile phones are not to be used or taken into changing rooms or toilets or used in any situation that may cause embarrassment or discomfort to their fellow students, staff or visitors to the school.
- It is unacceptable to take a picture of a member of staff without their permission. In the event that this happens the student will be asked and expected to delete those images.
Mobile phones will be confiscated if seen.
Students must adhere to the guidelines and protocols set out by the school when using their devices. If this does not adhere to a suitable sanction will be put in place. Mobile phones and other electronic devices are only to be used in school when instructed by a member of staff and to complete work/research tasks in an allocated period of time.