Welcome to Newsome Academy
Newsome Academy is a successful secondary school, part of Impact Education Multi Academy Trust. We are set in the fabulous countryside of south Huddersfield and have around 700 students with over 60 awesome teaching and support staff. We are very unique in the fact that we also have two specialist provisions – Hearing Impaired and Physically Impaired. These provisions allow students to be in mainstream lessons whilst getting the specialist support they need.
The Senior Team and I are always present around school, whether this be on duty during social times or dropping into lessons to check on the school climate. We promote leadership and this is evidenced through our amazing students and wider staff teams.
We are lucky enough to be part of the Impact Education Multi Academy Trust and this brings about great opportunity! The school has seen a significant and exciting change over the past few years β we have celebrated record-breaking results for the past few years. We are the only school in Kirklees celebrating a student securing a scholarship at Eton College in 2022.
If you want to be part of our journey β please get in touch to see our wonderful academy in action.
Mr Watkin
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Today RISE said goodbye to Mr T. A truly inspirational teacher who has done so much for the students. Happy retirement Mr T π€
Our PI provision enjoying their Christmas craft afternoon ππ ππ»
Party time in HI! All organised by our amazing Y11 students ππ ππ