Our Intent
We aim to support all students in their ability to access the mainstream curriculum, offering bespoke personalised learning and a nurturing environment that promotes independence and creates rounded individuals that are prepared for adulthood.
Newsome Academy is proud of the SEN offer and support that we provide to students and families within the local community.
Specialist Provision at Newsome Academy
Newsome Academy is the only mainstream high school in Kirklees with two specialist provisions: one for children with physical impairment, the other for hearing impairment. It provides a centre of excellence that demonstrates a high quality environment and approach with specialist staffing, resources and equipment.
There are currently 14 places in the provision for PI (Physically Impaired) – 12 fixed term and two transitional places. The provision for hearing impaired students has 12 fixed term and two transitional places. The provisions currently have 15 in PI and 8 in HI.
Fixed places are for children and young people with an EHC Plan who have complex needs and require a specific environment that cannot be replicated in all schools and so they must attend specialist provision full time.
Transitional places are available in order to identify and assess needs, establish appropriate curriculum and teaching strategies and prepare all parties for the child’s transition to the named local school. Students are able to attend on a transitional place for up to six terms.
Outreach support is provided as part of the specialist provision’s role. It offers timely support, advice and monitoring to other young people in Kirklees with physical or hearing impairment, their families and schools to secure excellent outcomes.
Partnership working – both provisions work closely with parents, carers and health professionals.
The Local Offer has been developed as part of the new Children and Families Act. It aims to provide information on education, health and social care provision available for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs, in a way that can be accessed quickly and easily.
Kirklees Council has worked with parents, carers, young people, schools, colleges, early years providers and health services to produce the Local Offer.
Schools have a duty to provide information about special educational needs that is accessible to students, parents and carers. We need to make sure this information is kept up to date.
The Kirklees Local Offer can be found at www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk
Kirklees Council and partners have worked hard to create a Local Offer that includes links to all relevant information that Kirklees residents would find useful. If you have any suggestions for improvements or ideas about what might help you, contact csa.admin@kirklees.gov.uk