Curriculum Information
Our curriculum intent is that ‘we structure learning with a business conscience and creative approaches to prepare learners to be successful global citizens.’
In practice this means our curriculum will ensure that every learner leaves:
- Happy, self-confident and emotionally and spiritually literate.
- An enthusiastic and well-equipped learner who enjoys challenge and copes well with change.
- Brimming with personal and physical wellbeing.
- Interested, respectful and aware of both their world and the world beyond them.
- A creative thinker who can make good choices.
- A good British citizen.
We strive to remove barriers to provide a truly inclusive and diverse curriculum, which supports every learner to be exceptional every day. Information on how we aim to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in our curriculum can be found in our Accessibility Plan.
Our curriculum, underpinned by the National Curriculum, is broad and balanced, equipping students with the necessary depth of knowledge and skills to achieve well and be prepared for life beyond the academy as responsible and thoughtful members of their local, national and international community.
To achieve this, we offer the very best opportunities for our students to acquire the attributes required to become their best in addition to their academic studies, including: our enrichment programme, educational trips, a comprehensive careers programme, oracy training, Duke of Edinburgh’s award programme, collaboration with further and higher education institutes and a wide variety of student leadership opportunities.
The Options Subjects are:
- Business
- Art & Design
- Music
- Performing Arts
- Hospitality
- Digital Communication Technology
- Health & Fitness (PE)
Curriculum Overview
Our Curriculum is based around ‘The Big Idea’. This gives clear links between each department. Our Curriculum Overview outlines what each student should be studying each half-term and the individual Curriculum Intents for each department. Please note that this is always evolving as we meet the needs of our students. Also refer to the Independent Study Section (click here) where our Knowledge Organisers break down key learning per half-term for students.
Through a high quality oracy education students learn through talk and to talk. This is when they develop and deepen their subject knowledge and understanding through talk in the classroom, which has been planned, designed, modelled, scaffolded and structured to enable them to learn the skills needed to talk effectively. Student voice and oracy runs through our curriculum and we have included key threads that our students focus on in each area.
For further information about our curriculum, please contact Ms Stokes, Assistant Headteacher for Teaching & Learning by email:

Half-Term 1 | Half-Term 2 | Half-Term 3 | Half-Term 4 | Half-Term 5 | Half-Term 6 |
Half-Term 1 | Half-Term 2 | Half-Term 3 | Half-Term 4 | Half-Term 5 | Half-Term 6 |
Half-Term 1 | Half-Term 2 | Half-Term 3 | Half-Term 4 | Half-Term 5 | Half-Term 6 |